+25 choice for Lord’s journey cheat engine.
Lord’s journey
Developer by Bulb,
Publisher by Bulb.
Trainer Versions: v1.128120197901649
Description: The Lord’s journey is a strategy-based large-army auto chess game, the great demon lord fell in love with the human princess at first sight, but the evil prince kidnapped the lord’s beloved. In order to save the princess, the lord embarked on an expedition!
How to use Lord’s journey Cheat Engine?
1- Download the Trainer: Locate a trainer for your game from a trusted source. Make sure it’s compatible with your game version.
2- Extract the Trainer: The trainer file will likely be compressed (ZIP or RAR). Extract it to a folder on your computer.
3- Run the Trainer: Open the extracted trainer file (usually ends in .exe).
4- Launch the Game: Start your singleplayer game.
5- Activate Cheats (if necessary): Some trainers require activation (often with a hotkey like F1). Check the trainer’s documentation for specific instructions.
6- Use Cheats (Hotkeys or Menu): Trainers may offer hotkeys (F1-F12) or a menu to activate cheats. Refer to the trainer’s documentation for details.
Lord’s journey Cheat Table Options
Cheat have a lot functions and works in all versions of the game. If you experience a DLL error, please ensure to download the most recent version of the .NET Framework.
Cheat table Key Settings
Num 1
Num 2
Num 3
Num 4
Num 5
Cheat table have 5 functions. We recommend that you turn off windows defender before opening the game.